SOS Germany

SOS Youth Welfare Service Centre

12 German Youth Welfare Service Centres provide teenagers and their parents with advice and support. Young people learn how to manage their every day lives and how to take on personal responsibility with the help of trained social workers.

SOS Vocational Training Centres

Here young people in need of assistance receive vocational training. The target is a state recognised diploma or certificate of completed apprenticeship. It offers a first step into an autonomous and independent life for many young people who have had a difficult start in life. Various vocational training courses in many fields are offered, ranging from gastronomy to textile or metalworking. In addition to the excellent training, the teenagers get support from trainers and tutors to help them with their personal development.

So kann Ihre Spende helfen

Warmes Mittagessen für einen Monat: Für 36 Euro bekommt ein Kind im SOS-Familienzentrum Berlin einen ganzen Monat lang eine warme und gesunde Mahlzeit am Mittag.

Schulmaterial: Für 22 Euro finanzieren Sie eine Grundausrüstung an Schulheften, Büchern und Stiften für Kinder in den SOS-Kinderdörfern.


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